
Help us Make a Difference
EQuality Downers Grove is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, which means your donation is tax-deductible. As a completely volunteer-run organization, we have no paid staff so 100% of your donation goes to supporting our mission.
Donations to EQDG are used to:
Keep the Downers Grove Youth Outlook Drop-In Center open. The Center has been an important place for our youth to meet and enjoy social and educational activities in a safe and supervised environment;
Provide financial support for court costs for transgender people who are changing their names;
Create engaging, educational, and civic awareness events and activities such as workshops, PrideFest, One Book/One Town Annual Read events, and collaborations with Downers Grove organizations and businesses.
The EQDG Board appreciates that you have many important groups to support through charitable contributions, and we doubly thank you for choosing to give to EQDG.